The Conjurer

For- The one with those hypnotic grey eyes…

I don’t know you nor do you know me. I’m pretty sure you must have forgotten me. Why wouldn’t you? There were just a few moments that you became my co-passenger yesterday.

Anyways let me tell you something. Once a chatterbox,suddenly you have made a solitudinarian. Being that is what let’s me think about you and your charming eyes.

You know what that hypnotic pair of grey gems didn’t take too long to create a tzimmes inside me. They did that with utmost ease and perfection. Just a gaze and all my benighted thoughts got swiped away. Just that wink and a peculiar delight pullulated within- a delight I’m mot quite used to.

Just as a dornick travels through the immeasurable ocean, my heart scaled the depth of your intriguing grey eyes. Like helium my heart transversed across high heights to reach the horizon.

It was like someone casted a spell on me which doesn’t let me think of something else. And against your introspection that all wasn’t momentary. It wasn’t circumscribed to the time you were sitting there looking at me. Even now I’m circumferenced by your thought.

I guess you must be a burglar- burglar of hearts, with your eyes as your chief weapon by which to hypnotize people. Or wait, you must be a proficient ventriloquist as a puppet is what I feel like right now.

Whatever you are now that I’m under your spell I don’t think I need my talisman. After all I’ve got a new conjurer.

In response to Talisman

Pic credit Pinterest

See you the next time. Till then if you liked this post do visit Spellbound- the poem. It’s really something you shouldn’t miss.