
Hey people!!

I’ve been away from this place for so long. That transition from school to college took quite some time for me. But all through this time I missed this amazing place and of course you all. Now I am back, though.

On some days words are the only way to liberate one’s thoughts and the only escapism one has is writing. You all know that well, right? And today’s one of those days.

So here it goes

Times have changed
So have You and I
You talked more about you
I talked more about me
But little did we talk about us
The way we had been
The way we could have been
And here I am
Still overthinking
The way I used to

You told me I looked beautiful
The way you used to say
I smiled
The way I used to do
You have always been great at flattering me, haven’t you been?
But there was something missing today
Could you feel that too??
Or was it just me
Overthinking… Yet Again??

That little moment
When your eyes met mine
A feeling I am so familiar with
That very feeling I had while walking with you
In December’s morning
Just fog everywhere and you and me
You remember that day, don’t you??
It’s December again
Just fog everywhere
And within me

Two years have passed by
Priorities and personal commitments fulfilled
By both you and me
But somewhere have we lost Us??
Has time taken over… Us??
Has it taken over
what we called Love??
You have changed
I have changed
Or maybe
The vibes between us have
But one thing that has stayed the same
And probably forever will
I still overthink.

And also I miss us
And everyday…


With his mother in a town lived a curious child

One day some questions popped up in his mind

The world is so big and my feet are small

How will I be able to cover it up all?

How will my tiny eyes understand other’s pain

Or single out teary faces under the rain?

To wipe those tears my hand is feeble and weak

How will it clear the distraught drenched cheek?

My mind won’t be able to catch up the train

Of thoughts of people who call themselves sane

How will I replace my smile with a frown

Like all men and women thriving in the town

To let every dark cloud easily pass

Stoicism and strength how will I amass?

Like you how will I be able to hide my scars

For people to peep in , my heart will be ajar.

One day everyone will leave me at the eleventh hour

And venom of malice is all that they’ll shower

In this obscure dusky world of overgrowns

Taking every breath will be a great milestone

Among hushed up voices my thoughts I won’t shout

If I’ll be able to survive that way I really doubt.

Isn’t it true that living in the world as a grown-up among those Grownups is not as good as it seems. Do you think that way too? Or is there a brighter side to your story? Don’t forget to drop your precious comments.

And if you pen down your version do let me know.

Constant Companion

Finally today was the day of your departure. The day that I was invariably dreading. They say some people give you love and others just a lesson.But you gave me both so intensely.

If someone thinks true love has vanished from hearts, I’ll just tell him about our tale of love. Neither demanding nor regretting. And miles apart from anything materialist.

Just simple and pure where you don’t think about someone the whole day but when you do you forget everything else. The form of love where seeing or touching each other isn’t necessary. Mere feeling one another even being apart is satiating enough.

But the dreadful day dawns upon everyone, isn’t it?? I thought maybe this one will be My Forever. But you have gone too. So should I think nothing is constant in this world??

But you know what in this ephemeral world there is someone who never leaves me. It’s my PAIN. Even today when you left it returned just as it always does.

I guess I this world of variables, I’ve found my Constant Companion…

In response to Constant

A world without YOU

Two days from now and you will be all gone… Far away…

Though we can never part and you will always remain my most essential part but still let me tell you how I think the world will be… The world without you.

My mind, your thoughts
My heart, your rythm
My lips, your name
My ears, your voice
My sleep, your dreams
My prayer, your wish
My poetry, your mention
My eyes….
no more of you

And then you want me to bid you a happy farewell?? Without shedding even a single drop of tear??

You told me I’m strong. But what you are asking me to do is something insurmountable.

Every second my mind will be wrapped up by the thoughts of being wrapped up by your arms. I might sleep the whole day but I won’t be able to rejuvenate my tired soul- the soul tired of missing someone so bad. The soul tired of longing for someone long gone.

Living in that world won’t be easy, I know. If I’m courageous enough, I doubt. So tell me, am I??

In response to Courage