The Greatest Fear

I was walking there
On the dark and dusky path
only by the mellow moonlight
And my unruffled thoughts
of delusion
of valour

No one could frighten me
Neither the insects
nor the fate
It was then I realized
when a shadow started following me
What my real fear was.

Pic Unsplash


For Ever

“If nothing lasts forever let’s be Nothing”. – anonymous

For the one who wants to fall in love:

Love someone badly
to the core
but don’t forget
to love yourself
It is you who will stay
with you
no matter what
and forever
That is the end of loneliness
and beginning of
a romantic journey
enduring lifetime….

For the one who has fallen in love:

Give your heart away
but remember
it may return
and fragmented into
perhaps a zillion pieces
Making you really difficult
to hold them all
and fix them back
You may be pulverized
nothing lasts forever…

For the one with a broken heart:

Anything may not last
But who said that
transience can’t be perfect
So love someone again
and again
Till your heart runs out of love
till it gets fed up
of stitching itself back
And trust me
it won’t
Love loves to love love…

Fall in love then stand back and then fall again. Maybe that’s how it works. But never stop loving…It may be fake but that’s the only thing that’s real…

In response to Warning

Pic Unsplash

Constant Companion

Finally today was the day of your departure. The day that I was invariably dreading. They say some people give you love and others just a lesson.But you gave me both so intensely.

If someone thinks true love has vanished from hearts, I’ll just tell him about our tale of love. Neither demanding nor regretting. And miles apart from anything materialist.

Just simple and pure where you don’t think about someone the whole day but when you do you forget everything else. The form of love where seeing or touching each other isn’t necessary. Mere feeling one another even being apart is satiating enough.

But the dreadful day dawns upon everyone, isn’t it?? I thought maybe this one will be My Forever. But you have gone too. So should I think nothing is constant in this world??

But you know what in this ephemeral world there is someone who never leaves me. It’s my PAIN. Even today when you left it returned just as it always does.

I guess I this world of variables, I’ve found my Constant Companion…

In response to Constant


We don’t have a hook still we get attached to people despite of knowing well that they will all one day leave. Isn’t it so horrible to think that people who were once essential part of your days become nothing but faded memories?

Ostensibly everything and everyone remains the same but in reality everything falls apart. It’s like the body still remains but the soul has long gone. It’s like the place is the same but has been left all destroyed after a flood- the flood which came to make you feel high but ended up leaving you all ruined.

Whatever runs in your head can’t be spoken or written or expressed in any way because there’s nothing going on in there. That person takes with him even your power of thinking. One may escape all sorts of addictions but when your drug becomes someone’s smile, it’s hard to let go.

Your lungs work well yet you run out of breath. Every cell of you gets fed up. Your heartbeat slows down, your brain tries to escape everything but your tear glands become more proficient than ever. They start working so well. Your auditory canal craves to hear the voice which once echoed in them all the time.

Rather than collecting your scattered pieces, your mind becomes engrossed in collecting those boundless moments spent with that person. And that nostalgic reminiscence leaves your wounds salted.

It takes just a few seconds to get attached to someone but even the whole life is too little to fill the space once that person departs. The cavity never fills.

But your incorrigible heart doesn’t learn a lesson. It insists to try one more time. And then once more. Does that quest end ever?? I don’t really have an answer. Do you??

In response to Insist and enigma of my mind. So don’t forget to drop your views.

Photo through Unsplash


Wanna know who she is?

She can be your sweetest lullaby

Binding you

With her mellifluous voice

Sweet enough to make you forget everything.

But the next moment

She can be a song

With the highest notes

Loud enough to give you nightmares.


Wanna know who she is?

She can be as divine as Mother Nature

Carrying affection and cordacy in her lap

Easing you

From all your headaches and heartaches.

But can also be a thunderous sea

Ceaseless and bold enough

to scare you off your feet.


Wanna know who she is?

She can be a nightingale or a peaceful dove

Radiating serenity and tranquility

Calm enough to silent you noisy thoughts.

But the other moment she can be an angry lioness

Safeguarding her cubs

Breaking the convention

Of men protecting women.


Wanna know who she is?

She can be as stubborn as a five year old

Wanting you to pamper her

Flatter her.

But she can also be a fierce warrior

Fearless and powerful

Shielding you from all sorts of clouds.


Wanna know who she is?

She can be your greatest blessing

Giving you comfort

Just with that twinkle in her eye

But she can be your worst mistake

Having gone for so long

Yet leaving her reminiscence

So intense

Making you wonder why did you even meet her?


You may find her complicated

But she is not.

She is just the reflection

Of the way you deserve to be treated

Neither more nor less.

She doesn’t want you

To bring her a diamond necklace

Or to treat her like a princess.

All she wants is to let her

Maintain her tiara

To let her build her own kingdom.

Do you agree that women are really strong ?Don’t forget to drop your comments.

And yes till then have a look at my other recent writings.



The Machos